The Story of Myilai

The Story of Myilai

28 May 2024 01:09 PM By contact

Here’s how it all started… 

Vidya hummed a cheerful tune as she walked down the walkway. The crisp Margazhi air, tinged with the earthy fragrance of fallen rain,

 held a special magic. Glancing across the street, she watched a group of women etch intricate kolams (rangolis) on their doorsteps,

 their voices blending in a melodious rendition of the Thirupavai. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, transporting her back to a simpler time. 

Memories flickered – her childhood home in Mylapore, bustling with activity during the auspicious month of Margazhi. Her mother, 

with practiced ease, would adorn their entrance with vibrant kolams, mirroring the ones she saw now.  


And then there was her grandmother, the undisputed queen of the kitchen. The air would thrum with the rhythmic clatter of 

utensils as she effortlessly whipped up an array of sweets and savouries. 




The rich aroma of melting ghee, the warm brown of Mysore Pak, the delicate lacework of Adhirasam – 

these sensory experiences were embedded deep within Vidya.  


A sudden honk jolted her back to the present. The bustling street, amidst the chaos and cacophony of daily life, 

couldn't erase the yearning that bloomed within her. She missed those days, the warmth of home-cooked food, 

the pure joy of creating something delicious.  


Back in her flat, adorned with wooden furniture, handcrafted cotton, and jute furnishings, reflecting 

her love for simplicity and authenticity, Vidya felt a spark of determination. 


She ascended the creaky ladder to the attic and pulled down a heavy, ornately carved wooden trunk. 

With a gentle creak that spoke of countless memories, the lid gave way. Inside lay a treasure trove - 

an antique recipe book bound in faded crimson velvet, its edges softened by time, its weathered 

pages holding the secrets of generations past! 



The delicate script, her grandmother's elegant hand, transported her back to countless afternoons

 spent by her side, meticulously recording each step in the culinary alchemy. 


A smile played on Vidya's lips. Today, she wouldn't just replicate the exact recipes; but give it a healthy twist. 

Her heart ached for a taste of those bygone days, but modern sensibilities urged a change.  


Today, the star ingredient wouldn't be refined sugar, but nutrient-rich palm jaggery

its dark richness promising a unique depth of flavour. 



With a familiar rhythm, honed by years of observation, Vidya began. Her hands, no longer those of a young girl, 

moved with practiced ease as she measured and mixed. The aroma of ghee filled the air, a familiar comfort. 


Soon, the golden-brown canvas of Mysore Pak glistened on a plate, a healthier version of her childhood favourite. 

She continued, her movements a dance of flour, spices, and love. Millet Murukku, light and crispy, emerged from the fryer, 

its nutty flavour a delightful twist. Seedai, small and crunchy, completed the spread. 


As she laid out the feast before her family, a sense of fulfillment dawned over Vidya. At that moment, 

Vidya knew this wasn't just a meal; it was a legacy, a promise whispered in the wind




She realized her purpose – to share the joy and warmth of her heritage with the world. Thus, Myilai was born, 

a tribute to the place that shaped her, that nurtured her – Mylapore. 

Myilai - from paati with Love! 

With a commitment to quality and authenticity, Myilai brings to life the flavours of tradition, weaving tales of culture 

and heritage through every bite. From freshly procured grains and millets to organic ingredients, each delicacy is a 

testament to Vidya's dedication to preserving the essence of our culinary heritage. 


Here, tradition meets innovation, organic ingredients meet modern sensibilities. We don't believe in shortcuts – 

no palm oil, no preservatives, just pure, unadulterated goodness. 


Each bite of Myilai's sweets & savoury foods is a journey back to the roots, a celebration of flavours that have stood the test of time.  




Do you yearn for a taste of tradition reimagined for a healthier you? Are you ready to embark on a 

culinary adventure that celebrates heritage? Explore Myilai's exquisite collection of sweets and savouries. 

Click the link below to discover a world of authentic flavours, crafted with love and care.  

Experience the magic of Myilai's timeless treats, one delicious bite at a time!    


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